The Jaw-Dropping Benefits of Chewing Your Food

Do you remember when you were younger and your parents told you to eat slowly, chew your food, close your mouth when you are eating, blah blah blah! Unfortunately, they may have been right. Eating slowly and chewing your food properly has a number of health benefits.
But before we get into the top 3 benefits, here are some hints and tips on how to chew your food properly. (It can be pretty challenging sometimes!)
So you have prepared your healthy meal. It's best to sit down at the table (rather than on the couch watching TV). Take a small mouthful — don't shove in a spoonful or forkful! Chew your food until it becomes almost liquid, as this will aid digestion. Put your knife and fork down after every bite and only pick up your utensils once you have swallowed your mouthful. It's easier said than done!
Make sure you enjoy your meal. If you cooked your meal, it's okay to be a bit critical — think about what you loved about your meal, what you enjoyed and what would you change for next time.
If your meal tastes great, fantastic! However, you shouldn’t ignore any feelings of fullness. Easier said than done!
Top 3 benefits of chewing your food
Reduces indigestion
If you chew your food slowly, you are much less likely to suffer from indigestion and heartburn. If you chew your food properly (as mentioned above) it will be much easier to digest, rather than sending large chunks of food down your esophagus.
Another benefit related to reducing indigestion and chewing your food is that you will be less likely to swallow air, which will prevent you from getting indigestion when you swallow too much air. This can cause your esophageal sphincter to open, allowing stomach acids to come back up and out of the stomach and into the throat or chest.

Helps you absorb more nutrients
Did you know the first stage of digestion is actually chewing your food? When you chew your food in your mouth, your food mixes with your saliva. This helps break down your food so that the vitamins and minerals can be easily absorbed by the body and into your bloodstream, rather than passing through unused.
So make sure, if you are making an effort to eat lots of nutrient-rich, clean food, to give your stomach a helping hand by digesting your food before it gets there. Your body will thank you for the vitamins, minerals and good nutrients you are giving it!
Aids in weight loss
Eating your food slowly can help you lose weight. When you eat slower, you will automatically chew your food more, which actually tricks your brain into thinking you are more full.
It is well documented that it takes your brain about 20 mins to register that you are full. Eating slowly allows the hormones that tell your brain you are full, to do their work. If you eat your food too fast and don't chew your food enough, you risk overeating as your brain hasn't caught up yet. This can also cause you to feel bloated and over full, which can lead to weight gain. If you eat slower, you will feel fuller and reduce the amount of food you are eating.
The benefits of chewing your food properly cannot be overstated. Chewing helps break down food into smaller particles, making it easier for the body to digest and absorb nutrients. This can lead to better overall health and a reduction in digestive issues such as bloating and gas.
Additionally, chewing can help with weight management by slowing down the eating process and allowing the brain time to recognize feelings of fullness. All in all, taking time to thoroughly chew your food can not only improve digestion but also contribute to better overall health and wellbeing.
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